Join two children on a magical journey through the Solar System, aided by a talking astronomy book, a cardboard rocket, and a vivid imagination. During this imaginative show, audiences will land on Venus, fly through the rings of Saturn, and discover the secrets of the Solar System. Watch the trailer here! Tickets for […]
Let's journey Towards the Sun and get Lost in Paradise with the Only Girl in the World you'll ever love. You'll want to Stay and watch the Diamonds in the sky with her. Experience the nine-time Grammy award-winner, Rihanna, at the Versant Power Astronomy Center in a whole new way mixed with space and trippy […]
When Henrietta Leavitt begins work at the Harvard Observatory in the early 1900s, she isn’t allowed to touch a telescope or express an original idea. Instead, she joins a group of women “computers,” charting the stars for a renowned astronomer who calculates projects in “girl hours” and has no time for the women’s probing theories. […]
When Henrietta Leavitt begins work at the Harvard Observatory in the early 1900s, she isn’t allowed to touch a telescope or express an original idea. Instead, she joins a group of women “computers,” charting the stars for a renowned astronomer who calculates projects in “girl hours” and has no time for the women’s probing theories. […]