Online Astronomy & Space Resources

For Middle and High Schoolers

Science Never Stops

A series of videos with interesting experiments and information from the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.

Khan Academy Cosmology & Astronomy

Online astronomy courses for middle/high school students

Astronomical Society of Pacific K-12 Science Teachers

Educational guides, hands-on activities, classroom resources, etc.


Citizen science projects including Galaxy Zoo (classifying galaxy pictures), Planet Hunters (searching for exoplanets), Solar StormWatch (tracking solar weather and effects on Earth) and numerous other astronomy ones. Additional citizen science projects in other disciplines like Arts, Literature, and Medicine.


Your weight on other worlds

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Radio telescopes look at the sky in a wavelength different from what we see with our eyes, and that opens up a whole new level of wonder and information. Radio telescopes linked together made the first image of a black hole possible.

Earth Day

Climate & Environmental Activities

Great overview of our solar system, including history, mythology and current knowledge/discoveries

Rocket Class from Instructables

Aimed at the budding rocket enthusiast, aiming to keep things accessible by using mostly household items to create your own rockets.

Space-X Crew Dragon Docking Simulator

Try your hand at the controls of the actual interface used by NASA astronauts to manually pilot the Dragon crew module to dock with the International Space Station!