Sky Events

April 2024

April 1: Third Quarter Moon

April 5: M93, a spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici, is well-placed for observation

April 5: Conjunction of the Moon and Mars, with an angular separation of 1°58′

April 8: Total Solar Eclipse

April 10: Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter, with an angular separation of 3°59′

April 15: The Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici is well-placed for observation

April 15: First Quarter Moon

April 18: The globular cluster M3 in Canes Venatici is well-placed for observation.

April 22: Lyrid meteor shower reaches its peak activity

April 23: The Pinwheel Galaxy in Ursa Major is well-placed for observation

April 23: Full Moon


Planets in April

Mercury: Inferior conjunction on April 11, best seen in the evening sky at the start of the month.

Venus: This planet is unlikely to be seen this month as it is too close to the Sun. 

Mars: Poorly placed morning planet, which is best seen at the end of the month.

Jupiter: This planet is unlikely to be seen this month as it becomes lost in the evening twilight.

Saturn: Morning planet but poor.

May 2024

May 1: Third Quarter Moon

May 3: Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn, with an angular separation of 50′

May 5: The η-Aquariid meteor shower reaches peak activity of 40 meteors per hour.

May 7: New Moon

May 9: Mercury at its greatest western elongation

May 11: Globular cluster M5 in Serpens is well-placed for observation.

May 15: First Quarter Moon

May 23: Full Moon

May 28: Globular Cluster M4 in Scorpius is well-placed for observation.

May 30: Third Quarter Moon

May 31: Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn, with an angular separation of 22′

Planets in May

Mercury: Not visible this month.

Venus: Not easily visible this month.

Mars: Morning planet emerging from the Sun’s glare, best at the end of the month.

Jupiter: Not easily visible this month.

Saturn: Poor visibility in the morning sky.