Supermassive Black Holes

Explore the amazing environments of the strangest objects in our universe – Supermassive Black Holes! Leading observational and theoretical astronomers share the latest state-of-the-art observations and stunning computer simulations to shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution. Travel inside a black hole, see how they shape galaxies […]

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One Sky

One Sky is a collection of sky cultures around the world. It recognizes that all people around the globe share strong connections to the stars for navigation, time keeping, agriculture and storytelling.  As active exploration of our universe continues today, we honor the cultures who first looked up and dreamed about our place in the […]

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5000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESI

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is creating the most detailed map of our nearby universe. Installed at Kitt Peak in Arizona, DESI’s 5000 independently operated robots can measure the light from thousands of galaxies at once. Dive into modern cosmology, and the scientific motivation for building a large map of galaxies. Join us as […]

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Moonbase: The Next Step

From the moment mankind first set foot on the Moon in 1969 we have dreamed of making a base there. In the next 10 years humans will return to the Moon with the Artemis missions and develop a sustained, strategic presence near the lunar South Pole. The Moon will become our first ‘staging post’ from […]

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Total Eclipse: Chasers of the Lost Sleep

Kentucky, a sleepless hen, and star of social networks, finds out that animals fall asleep during total eclipses. With the help of her robot J.O.S., she travels through space-time in search of the perfect total solar eclipse, in the hope of finding sleep at last. On her journey, she discovers the conditions that make eclipses […]

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The Arctic

The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness

Vast. Wild. Magical. The Arctic is not just one of the planet’s greatest natural spectacles, it’s a place with global ecological importance that has supported Indigenous communities and diverse ecosystems for generations. Follow the elusive Porcupine caribou herd as it migrates to the Arctic Coastal Plain, one of the longest animal migrations on Earth. Meet […]

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ECLIPSE: The Moments of Wonder

Join us for an immersive view of eclipses, the most spectacular sights in the sky! Explore the nature of these special celestial alignments and get prepared to safely observe them.  Experience the awe and wonder with stunning images of both solar and lunar eclipses captured by a world-renowned astro-photographer from locations around the globe.   The […]

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Mars: The Ultimate Voyage

Ever wondered what it will take for astronauts to travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond? On this long journey, what challenges will astronauts face? How will they stay motivated and healthy on their spacecraft so far away from Earth?  Discover how NASA research and training initiatives are preparing the next generation of astronauts who will […]

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Black Hole First Picture

Black Hole – First Picture

Black Hole First Picture features the human attempt to create the very first picture of a black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope – a network of 8 Radio telescopes at  remote locations in the world ranging from Europe, North and South America, Hawaii to Antarctica. For years, the Event Horizon Telescope has been staring into […]

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Cosmic Mashups

What do you see when you look up into the night sky? Stars. Planets. The Milky Way galaxy. They’re all up there and have been enthralling humankind for our entire existence. But there is more to the night sky that we can’t see. Uncover the awe of imploding stars, galactic collisions and the monstrous blackholes found […]

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