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Cosmic Recipe

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

The famous astronomer Carl Sagan once said: “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.”  Though that may sound crazy, Sagan was onto something BIG! Want to know what? Pull up a chair at our Planetarium’s Periodic Table and learn the cosmic recipes that created everything in our […]

Dream to Fly

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Have you ever dreamt you were flying? Have you ever thought how wonderful would it be to fly free as a bird?  Discover the mystery of flight with Leonardo da Vinci, Montgolfier brothers, Wright brothers and other inventors. Experience the adventure with powerful images and music, an immense and challenging dream, for which mankind has […]

EXO: Are We Alone?

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Humankind has always sought to understand the mysteries of the Universe and speculated about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Today we know of thousands of exoplanets — planets located outside our Solar System — that offer valuable information about our own planet, its origins and life on Earth. We’re on the cusp of making some […]

Mars: The Ultimate Voyage

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Ever wondered what it will take for astronauts to travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond? On this long journey, what challenges will astronauts face? How will they stay motivated and healthy on their spacecraft so far away from Earth?  Discover how NASA research and training initiatives are preparing the next generation of astronauts who will […]

Event Series Magic Tree House: Space Mission

Magic Tree House: Space Mission

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Travel with the brother-sister duo, Jack and Annie, in their Magic Treehouse as they discover a note that asks them to answer a series of six questions about space. With the help of an astronomer, the Internet, an astronaut, books and the writer of the mysterious note, Jack and Annie are taken on a wondrous journey […]

Black Hole – First Picture

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Black Hole First Picture features the human attempt to create the very first picture of a black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope - a network of 8 Radio telescopes at  remote locations in the world ranging from Europe, North and South America, Hawaii to Antarctica. For years, the Event Horizon Telescope has been staring into […]

Stargazers of Africa

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

From the dawn of time, African people have looked to the skies above for inspiration and guidance. Stargazers of Africa is a journey connecting the stars, Moon and planets to the people across this great continent—from long ago to the stargazers of today. Experience African tales from the Yoruba people and a Nigerian story about […]

Event Series Earth, Moon, and Sun

Earth, Moon, and Sun

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Earth, Moon, & Sun is a fast-paced full dome demonstration of lunar phases, eclipses, day and night, the sun and other puzzling events with the help of a confused coyote. This program beautifully illustrates basic concepts like moon phases and seasons. Based on the trickster of Native American lore, Coyote is constantly corrected in his misunderstandings […]

We Are Guardians

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Join us on a journey into, under, and around the many ecosystems across our planet. Discover how each component fits together, and how the health of each part is vital to the health of Planet Earth. Discover how, with the help of satellites and scientific study, we can understand the links between human activities and […]

One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

Explore the night sky with your favorite friends from Sesame Street in One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure. Follow along with Big Bird, Elmo and their friend from China, Hu Hu Zhu, as they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth. They explore […]

Event Series Polaris: Mystery of the Polar Night

Polaris: Mystery of the Polar Night

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono, ME, United States

A traveling penguin from the South Pole and a funny polar bear from the North pole meet on arctic sea ice. They become friends observing the night sky together and wondering why night is so long at the poles of the Earth. This mystery leads them on a scientific adventure by building an improvised spaceship […]
