Sky Events

July 2024

July 1: Conjunction of the Moon and Mars, with an angular separation of 4°05′ 

July 3: Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter, with an angular separation of 5°01′

July 5: The Earth is at aphelion, the farthest point from the Sun in its orbit this year.

July 5: New Moon

July 6: Ceres is at opposition.

July 13: First Quarter Moon

July 13: Lunar occultation of Spica

July 21: Full Moon

July 23: Pluto at opposition

July 24: Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn, with an angular separation of only 23′

July 27: Third Quarter Moon

July 30: Conjunction of the Moon with both Jupiter and Mars


Planets in July

Mercury: Evening planet, not optimally placed. Best mid-month.

Venus: Evening planet, not easily visible at present. 

Mars: Morning planet near Jupiter. 

Jupiter: Improving morning planet. Impressive scenes towards end of July with Jupiter close to Mars and crescent Moon, against the stars of Taurus.

Saturn: Morning planet, best visibility occurs at the end of the month.

August 2024

August 4: New Moon

August 12: The Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak activity of about 150 meteors per hour.

August 12: First Quarter Moon

August 13: The globular cluster M15 in Pegasus is well-placed for observation.

August 14: Conjunction of Jupiter and Mars, with an angular separation of 18′.

August 14: The globular cluster M2 in Aquarius is well-placed for observation.

August 19: Full Moon

August 20: Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn, with an angular separation of 27′

August 26: Third Quarter Moon

August 27: Conjunction of the Moon with both Jupiter and Mars



Planets in August

Mercury: Inferior conjunction August 19, best seen in morning sky at end of month.

Venus: Evening planet, setting only 40 mins after the Sun all month.

Mars: Improving morning planet, forming interesting patterns with Aldebaran and Jupiter.

Jupiter: Improving morning planet in Taurus.

Saturn: Improving morning planet.