
We Are Guardians

Join us on a journey into, under, and around the many ecosystems across our planet. Discover how each component fits together, and how the health of each part is vital to the health of Planet Earth. Discover how, with the help of satellites and scientific study, we can understand the links between human activities and […]

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Worlds Beyond Earth

Take an exhilarating journey to the worlds that orbit our Sun and the unique conditions that make life on our planet Earth possible. Celebrate the extraordinary Age of Exploration carried out by robotic explorers, over the past 50 years with imagery from NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), and Japan Aerospace Exploration (JAXA) missions.  Audiences will […]

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Forward to the Moon

Forward to the Moon engages audiences in NASA efforts to send both humans and robots to the Moon and Mars. NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon Goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman on the surface of the Moon. Jessica […]

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Worlds of Ice

Journey to the farthest reaches of the solar system, traveling through the dimensions of ice from the remote territories of the arctic, to a scientific complex nested under the South Pole. Experience it all immersed in a kaleidoscopic igloo, be dazzled by the icy wonderland of the arctic, and explores the relationship between humans and […]

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Rising Star: A South African Astronomy Journey

Take an astronomical journey from our beginnings through the development of astronomy research in South Africa, and discover what the future of astronomy holds for the country. Dive into multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy with the many remarkable facilities such as Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and the most powerful radio telescope in the Southern Hemisphere, […]

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Living Worlds

Earth is a planet shaped by life. From the forests that help stabilize our climate, to the winds carrying life-sustaining water and oxygen to far-flung parts of the globe, the fingerprints of life are visible even from many light years away. Journey through space and time to examine life as an essential quality of our […]

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Legends of the Northern Sky

For thousands of years, humanity has gazed up at the stars in wonder, searching for truth, understanding, and insight. Embark on a journey with the Indigenous peoples of the western plains of Canada and share in their wisdom conveyed by the stars. Alongside Ocek, the fisher, and his band of animal friends, audiences take an […]

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Unveiling the Invisible Universe

For tens of thousands of years humans have used their eyes to see light coming from the night sky. Today we use scientific instruments to observe the invisible Universe all around us. At the beginning of the 17th century, the invention of the astronomical telescope by Galileo revolutionized our knowledge of the Universe. In the […]

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Stargazers of Africa

From the dawn of time, African people have looked to the skies above for inspiration and guidance. Stargazers of Africa is a journey connecting the stars, Moon and planets to the people across this great continent—from long ago to the stargazers of today. Experience African tales from the Yoruba people and a Nigerian story about […]

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Secrets of the Universe

Travel with scientist Manuel Calderon De La Barca Sanchez as he journeys to the largest machine ever built, the greatest scientific instrument ever created, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). There, he joins a global team working to uncover another amazing breakthrough in this new world of technology-driven physics. We get an inside look at the […]

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