
Stargazers of Africa

From the dawn of time, African people have looked to the skies above for inspiration and guidance. Stargazers of Africa is a journey connecting the stars, Moon and planets to the people across this great continent—from long ago to the stargazers of today. Experience African tales from the Yoruba people and a Nigerian story about […]

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Secrets of the Universe

Travel with scientist Manuel Calderon De La Barca Sanchez as he journeys to the largest machine ever built, the greatest scientific instrument ever created, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). There, he joins a global team working to uncover another amazing breakthrough in this new world of technology-driven physics. We get an inside look at the […]

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Climate Change in Our Backyard

As humans develop a much larger picture about our Earth as a whole, we are beginning to see it as a complex, interconnected, remarkable world, and one that people have impacted directly. Explore the role of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, the natural temperature variations that the Earth has experienced over millions of years, and […]

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The Christmas Star

Over the years numerous people have tried to explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, as described in the Bible and other historical texts of the time. What was the Christmas Star? Could it be explained as an exploding star, a comet or some other natural celestial phenomena?  Explore a variety of scientific explanations for the Star of Bethlehem in this […]

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The Sun – Our Living Star

The Sun has shone on our world for four and a half billion years. The light that warms our skin today has been felt by every person who has ever lived. It is our nearest star and our planet’s powerhouse, the source of the energy that drives our winds, our weather and all life. The […]

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Into the Polar Night

Take an epic expedition to the Artic Ocean to discover the importance ice for planet Earth!  The Arctic sea ice groans and creaks as a massive icebreaker slowly churns through. Scientists on an ice flow call out to each other in the dark as a chainsaw cuts through the ice, exposing open ocean below.  Journey with […]

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EXO: Are We Alone?

Humankind has always sought to understand the mysteries of the Universe and speculated about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Today we know of thousands of exoplanets — planets located outside our Solar System — that offer valuable information about our own planet, its origins and life on Earth. We’re on the cusp of making some […]

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Big Astronomy – People, Places, and Discoveries!

Big Astronomy – People, Places, and Discoveries!  will take audiences to cutting-edge telescopes in the remote mountains of Chile and introduce the people who make sure these instruments operate day and night, unlocking the secrets of the universe.  Explore ALMA, VLT, and the new Vera Rubin Observatory (formerly LSST) and how these incredible facilities are changing […]

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From Dream to Discovery

Join NASA’s engineers as they design, test, and launch today’s hottest missions into space. Witness the enormity of the new James Webb Space Telescope, the intensity of Goddard Space Flight Center’s testing facilities, and the excitement of the New Horizons mission to Pluto. From blueprint to blastoff, experience how robotic space flight is pushing the […]

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We Are Stars

What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry, and our explosive origins. Connect life on Earth to the evolution of the Universe by following the formation of Hydrogen atoms to the synthesis of carbon, and the molecules for life. Explore the lives and deaths of […]

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