Planetarium Programs


3-2-1 Liftoff!

Elon the hamster loves science and doing experiments!  One day Elon hears a crash. In his garden, he finds a crater with a damaged robot named 8 of 12 inside. How did it get here? Elon fixes the robot and finds out that it fell from a spaceship. Does Elon have the courage and wits you needed to go into space and back? Find out in 3-2-1 Liftoff!

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5000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESI

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is creating the most detailed map of our nearby universe. Installed at Kitt Peak in Arizona, DESI’s 5000 independently operated robots can measure the light from thousands of galaxies at once. Dive into modern cosmology, and the scientific motivation for building a large map of galaxies. Join us as we expl…

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Áróra: Tales of the Northern Lights

An immersive fulldome experience about the exquisite beauty of Auroras. Take a journey across time and space to understand the science behind the phenomena and to experience the stories of our ancestors. Guided by the lullaby of the Dawn Goddess, this cinematic adventure invites the audience to join the dance of these eerie lights over remote Icelandic…

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Asteroid 16x9 poster

Asteroid: Mission Extreme

Asteroid: Mission Extreme takes audiences on an epic journey to discover how asteroids are both a danger and an opportunity. The danger lies in the possibility of a cataclysmic collision with Earth; the opportunity is the fascinating idea that asteroids could be stepping stones to other worlds – veritable way stations in space – enabling us to cross the…

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Astronaut 16 x 9


The exploration of space is the greatest endeavor that humankind has ever undertaken. What does it take to be part of this incredible journey? What does it take to become an astronaut? Experience a rocket launch from inside the body of an astronaut. Explore the amazing worlds of inner and outer space, from floating around the International Space Station…

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Big Astronomy – People, Places, and Discoveries!

Big Astronomy – People, Places, and Discoveries!  will take audiences to cutting-edge telescopes in the remote mountains of Chile and introduce the people who make sure these instruments operate day and night, unlocking the secrets of the universe.  Explore ALMA, VLT, and the new Vera Rubin Observatory (formerly LSST) and how these incredible facilities…

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Black Hole First Picture

Black Hole – First Picture

Black Hole First Picture features the human attempt to create the very first picture of a black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope – a network of 8 Radio telescopes at  remote locations in the world ranging from Europe, North and South America, Hawaii to Antarctica. For years, the Event Horizon Telescope has been staring into the hearts of the Milky…

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Blackholes 16 x 9

Black Holes

The attraction of Black Holes is more than just gravitational. These mysterious graveyards of dead stars have fascinated generations. “Black Holes” explores the history, physics, and mystery of these reality-bending phenomena. Experience the bending of light, the skewing of perception, and the dizzying descent into a black hole.

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Cell! Cell! Cell!

You are made of 70 trillion living cells. They work. They talk. They think. They are what make you alive. This is the story of the trillions of cells that form our bodies, from our beginnings as a single cell to the complexity of a whole body: it’s the story of who we are. Join Raj and Sooki on a totally ex-CELL-ent immersive journey. Get shrunk down by…

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Climate Change in Our Backyard

As humans develop a much larger picture about our Earth as a whole, we are beginning to see it as a complex, interconnected, remarkable world, and one that people have impacted directly. Explore the role of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, the natural temperature variations that the Earth has experienced over millions of years, and how humans are affec…

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Cosmic Colors

From northern lights to garden flowers, color fills our lives and “Cosmic Colors” explains how we use the rainbow to see, understand and explore our universe. Visitors learn more about the electromagnetic spectrum, the Northern Lights and get a tour of the night sky!

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Cosmic Mashups

What do you see when you look up into the night sky? Stars. Planets. The Milky Way galaxy. They’re all up there and have been enthralling humankind for our entire existence. But there is more to the night sky that we can’t see. Uncover the awe of imploding stars, galactic collisions and the monstrous blackholes found at the heart of galaxies.

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Cosmic Recipe

The famous astronomer Carl Sagan once said: “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.”  Though that may sound crazy, Sagan was onto something BIG! Want to know what? Pull up a chair at our Planetarium’s Periodic Table and learn the cosmic recipes that created everything in our world – even us!   Discover how the…

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Dawn of the Space Age show poster

Dawn of the Space Age

Experience the exciting beginnings of space travel, from the launch of Sputnik 1 to the Apollo landings on the Moon, and from the assembly of the International Space Station to the first private space flights. Trace the initial competition of political systems for supremacy in space, and the peaceful collaboration between nations today. Join in the vivi…

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Dream to Fly show poster

Dream to Fly

Have you ever dreamt you were flying? Have you ever thought how wonderful would it be to fly free as a bird?  Discover the mystery of flight with Leonardo da Vinci, Montgolfier brothers, Wright brothers and other inventors. Experience the adventure with powerful images and music, an immense and challenging dream, for which mankind has strived since…

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Dynamic Earth 16x9 poster

Dynamic Earth

Explore the inner workings of Earth’s climate system with visualizations based on satellite monitoring data and advanced supercomputer simulations. This exciting program follows a trail of energy that flows from the Sun into the interlocking systems that shape our climate: the atmosphere, oceans, and the biosphere. Audiences will ride along on swirling…

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Earth Moon Sun 16 x 9

Earth Moon, and Sun

Earth, Moon, & Sun is a fast-paced full dome demonstration of lunar phases, eclipses, day and night, the sun and other puzzling events with the help of a confused coyote. This program beautifully illustrates basic concepts like moon phases and seasons. Based on the trickster of Native American lore, Coyote is constantly corrected in his misunderstan…

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ECLIPSE: The Moments of Wonder

Join us for an immersive view of eclipses, the most spectacular sights in the sky! Explore the nature of these special celestial alignments and get prepared to safely observe them.  Experience the awe and wonder with stunning images of both solar and lunar eclipses captured by a world-renowned astro-photographer from locations around the globe.   The pr…

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Einstein’s Gravity Playlist

What are gravitational waves?  How are these ripples in space-time created?  Albert Einstein predicted there existence in 1916, and a century later, scientists detected these waves using incredibly precise laser technology here on Earth.  See the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Lucia, a PhD student in physics, on an explor…

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EXO: Are We Alone?

Humankind has always sought to understand the mysteries of the Universe and speculated about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Today we know of thousands of exoplanets — planets located outside our Solar System — that offer valuable information about our own planet, its origins and life on Earth. We’re on the cusp of making some fascinating disc…

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Expedition Reef

Explore the secrets of the “rainforests of the sea” and embark on an oceanic safari to the world’s most vibrant and endangered marine ecosystems – coral reefs.  Discover how corals grow, feed, reproduce, and support over 25% of all marine life on Earth — while facing unprecedented threats from climate change, habitat destruction, and overfishing.  Altho…

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Mars… For centuries it’s been an object of human fascination. Once mysterious, soon this red world may become our new home. This became possible due to daring individuals like Johannes Kepler: fascinated with the world, striving toward discovery and embracing challenges it may bring. It is our duty to continue their work… Explore, Dream Discover.  Take…

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Faster Than Light 16x9

Faster Than Light

The impulse to strike out into the unknown, to see what’s over the horizon… is as old as humanity. Today, a whole new horizon beckons.  Astronomers are racing to find habitable worlds, including any that might exist in the neighborhood of our Sun. But if we find one, how will we ever get there? How long will it take? What rocket designs might one day co…

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First Stargazers

Journey back in time to explore how the first stargazers experienced the sky above. Your guide is Nashira, a friendly time traveler who has visited Earth many times before.  Witness the very first stargazer making a Moon calendar out of animal bone 30,000 years ago. Discover the ancient pyramids of Giza and their alignment to the skies.  See stunning di…

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Forward to the Moon

Forward to the Moon engages audiences in NASA efforts to send both humans and robots to the Moon and Mars. NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon Goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman on the surface of the Moon. Jessica Meir from Caribou, Maine has been selec…

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From Dream to Discovery

Join NASA’s engineers as they design, test, and launch today’s hottest missions into space. Witness the enormity of the new James Webb Space Telescope, the intensity of Goddard Space Flight Center’s testing facilities, and the excitement of the New Horizons mission to Pluto. From blueprint to blastoff, experience how robotic space flight is pushing the…

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From Earth to the Universe 16 x 9

From Earth to the Universe

The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths, and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity’s oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this jour…

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Habitat Earth

Living networks connect and support life forms large and small—from colonies of tiny microbes and populations of massive whales to ever-expanding human societies. Discover what it means to live in today’s connected world in Habitat Earth. Through stunning visualizations of the natural world, dive below the ocean’s surface to explore the dynamic relation…

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Halloween: Celestial Origins

Vampires, Witches, Goblins, and other spooky creatures!  What do you associate with Halloween? Trick-or-Treating, costumes, or something more…  Be it ghoulish or ghostly, Halloween is an astronomical holiday!  Experience the history of Halloween and how it fits into the seasons as a “cross-quarter day.”  From Celtic roots around the harvest and bonfires…

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Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe

The Hitchhikers Guide the Universe is and incredible visual tour of the size and scale of our cosmos! Join planetarium manager Shawn Laatsch as he hosts the evening presentation and “flies” participants out into space on a unique and engaging tour through the Universe. Audience members will travel to our local planets and their moon systems, zip through…

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Asteroids and comets have collided with our planet throughout its history, changing the course of life on Earth and shaping the world we know today. Real-time data from current NASA missions help audiences explore the past, present, and future of our Solar System. Take a journey through the dynamic story of our cosmic origins. Discover what these impact…

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Into the Polar Night

Take an epic expedition to the Artic Ocean to discover the importance ice for planet Earth!  The Arctic sea ice groans and creaks as a massive icebreaker slowly churns through. Scientists on an ice flow call out to each other in the dark as a chainsaw cuts through the ice, exposing open ocean below.  Journey with scientists on one of the most ambitious…

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Legends of the Night Sky: Orion

Take a fun and lighthearted look at the myths and stories associated with the constellation Orion, the great hunter of the winter sky. Orion comes to life in a fun-filled, animated accompanied by narrators Aesop the owl and Socrates the mouse as we follow Orion’s adventures as he grows to manhood, battles mythical beasts, foils the plot of an evil king…

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Legends of the Night Sky: Perseus and Andromeda

Perseus and Andromeda is a fun-filled story of the beautiful but unfortunate princess Andromeda, who in divine punishment for her mother’s bragging, is sacrificed to a sea monster—and rescued by the Greek hero Perseus. Brought to life by animated narrators Aesop the owl and Socrates the mouse as we follow Perseus on his quest to become a hero and slay M…

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Legends of the Northern Sky

For thousands of years, humanity has gazed up at the stars in wonder, searching for truth, understanding, and insight. Embark on a journey with the Indigenous peoples of the western plains of Canada and share in their wisdom conveyed by the stars. Alongside Ocek, the fisher, and his band of animal friends, audiences take an expedition south to retrieve…

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Life of Trees 16 x 9 Poster

Life of Trees

In The Life of Trees, a cheeky ladybug called Dolores and a quirky firefly called Mike take the audience on an adventurous journey of exploration into the wondrous world of trees. Attend the Creepy Crawlies Educational Institution to find out how trees live and their importance to the wider environment. On the excursion, Delores and Mike zip around a tr…

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The Little Star that Could 16 x 9

Little Star that Could

It’s hard to be a little star in a big universe! Join a medium sized, yellow star as he makes his way through space. In his travels, he meets many different types of stars and learns about some of the other things that make our universe so interesting. After meeting stars, nebulas, and galaxies, the little star takes a good look at himself and finds tha…

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Living Worlds

Earth is a planet shaped by life. From the forests that help stabilize our climate, to the winds carrying life-sustaining water and oxygen to far-flung parts of the globe, the fingerprints of life are visible even from many light years away. Journey through space and time to examine life as an essential quality of our home planet Earth. Explore of the c…

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Lucia: The Secret of Shooting Stars

Vladimir, a polar bear and James, a penguin, travel into space aboard the Polaris to study polar auroras.  Hit by a meteorite, they crash at the foot of a pre-Columbian pyramid and meet Lucia, a hummingbird who is passionate about rocks. She tells them about a legend evoking “stones of light”.  Meteorites, shooting stars, these “stones of light” intrigu…

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Magic Globe: A Story of the Seasons

On vacation at her grandpa’s, a little girl Mia accidentally discovers a mysterious piece of astronomical machinery. Edek, Mia’s eccentric uncle, tricks the girl into using the tool’s secret powers to change the world’s seasons. She quickly realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, but Edek doesn’t want to let the plan go. Magic Globe is a…

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Magic Treehouse Space Mission 16 x 9

Magic Treehouse: Space Mission

Travel with the brother-sister duo, Jack and Annie, in their Magic Treehouse, as they discover a note that asks them to answer a series of six questions about space. With the help of an astronomer, the Internet, an astronaut, books and the writer of the mysterious note, Jack and Annie are taken on a wondrous journey of adventure and learning. This excit…

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Mars 1001

An international crew is about to embark on the first interplanetary journey in history, the first manned mission to the surface of Mars!  Science reporter Miles O’Brien is reporting while events unfold for the crew on their daring 1001 day long mission.  Witness firsthand their brave attempts to put human footprints on Mars and return safely to Earth….

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Mars: The Ultimate Voyage

Ever wondered what it will take for astronauts to travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond? On this long journey, what challenges will astronauts face? How will they stay motivated and healthy on their spacecraft so far away from Earth?  Discover how NASA research and training initiatives are preparing the next generation of astronauts who will head to Mars….

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Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe

The night is an eye, both dark and bright!  It forces us to look up and ask ourselves questions about our place in the Cosmos, our origins, and what is beyond the horizon.  Using spectacular visuals and stunning sound, audiences tour six ancient Mayan temples: San Gervasio, Chichen Itzá, Uxmal, Edzna, Palenque, and Bonampak. Along the way they dive into…

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Mexica Archaeoastronomy: Between Space and Time

Through impressive immersive scenarios, Mexica Archaeoastronomy: Between Space and Time illustrates the important role played by astronomical observation for the evolution of pre-Hispanic cultures in central Mexico. The Mexicas used the calendrical and astronomical knowledge inherited by their predecessor cultures to found the capital of their empire: T…

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Moonbase: The Next Step

From the moment mankind first set foot on the Moon in 1969 we have dreamed of making a base there. In the next 10 years humans will return to the Moon with the Artemis missions and develop a sustained, strategic presence near the lunar South Pole. The Moon will become our first ‘staging post’ from which Mars and the rest of the solar system becomes tant…

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Mystery of the Christmas Star 16x9 poster

Mystery of the Christmas Star

Journey back 2000 years to Bethlehem as we seek to discover a scientific explanation for the Star the wise men followed to find the baby Jesus. Investigate possible dates for the birth of Christ and look at recorded sightings of significant historical and astronomical events during this timeframe. We’ll explore scientific explanations for celestial obje…

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Natural Selection

Join the young Charles Darwin on an adventurous voyage of exploration circumnavigating the World with the HMS Beagle. In the 19th century in Victorian times many physical phenomena were already discovered and described by natural laws, but life’s most eloquent mechanism was still unknown: How could new species arise to replace those lost in extinc…

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One Sky

One Sky is a collection of sky cultures around the world. It recognizes that all people around the globe share strong connections to the stars for navigation, time keeping, agriculture and storytelling.  As active exploration of our universe continues today, we honor the cultures who first looked up and dreamed about our place in the cosmos.  Everyone s…

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One World One Sky 16 x 9

One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure

Explore the night sky with your favorite friends from Sesame Street in One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure. Follow along with Big Bird, Elmo and their friend from China, Hu Hu Zhu, as they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth. They explore the day and night sky, learn about the Bi…

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Origins of Life 16 x 9

Origins of Life

Tour the far reaches of the universe and our Earth as the evolution of life is examined in this fully immersive space experience. From the Big Bang to new life on Earth, from great extinctions to the search for life beyond our planet, Origins of Life is an inspirational journey through time and a celebration of life near and very, very far.

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Phantom of the Universe

From the journey of protons racing through the world’s largest particle collider to up-close views of the Big Bang and emergent universe, and the nearly mile-deep descent to an underground experiment, Phantom of the Universe immerses audiences in the search for dark matter. Explore this mysterious matter and how we are using discoveries at the Large Had…

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Polaris show poster

Polaris: The Space Submarine and the Mystery of Polar Night

A traveling penguin from the South Pole and a funny polar bear from the North pole meet on arctic sea ice.  They become friends observing the night sky together and wondering why night is so long at the poles of the Earth. This mystery leads them on a scientific adventure by building an improvised spaceship to travel around the Earth to learn about seas…

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Rising Star: A South African Astronomy Journey

Take an astronomical journey from our beginnings through the development of astronomy research in South Africa, and discover what the future of astronomy holds for the country. Dive into multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy with the many remarkable facilities such as Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and the most powerful radio telescope…

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Secret of the Cardboard Rocket 16 x 9

Secret of the Cardboard Rocket

Join two children on a magical journey through the Solar System, aided by a talking astronomy book, a cardboard rocket, and a vivid imagination. During this imaginative show, audiences will land on Venus, fly through the rings of Saturn, and discover the secrets of the Solar System.

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Secrets of the Universe

Travel with scientist Manuel Calderon De La Barca Sanchez as he journeys to the largest machine ever built, the greatest scientific instrument ever created, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). There, he joins a global team working to uncover another amazing breakthrough in this new world of technology-driven physics. We get an inside look at the machine an…

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Solar Superstorms

A fury is building on the surface of the Sun – high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave that reaches 100,000 kilometers high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these strange phenomena? How will they affect planet Earth? Find the answers as we venture into the seething interior of our star. Travel into the tangle of magnetic fields and supe…

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Space Aliens: Looking for Life in the Universe

One of the oldest question’s humans have asked since looking at the sky has been if life exists beyond our planet.  Follow cosmic clues from the ocean floor to a journey across the galaxy!  What might extremophiles here on Earth tell us about the ability of life to thrive in other locations in our universe?   Learn how new discoveries of exoplanets and…

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Spooky Space

Looking for cosmic fun this Halloween season? Would you like to meet the spectacular stars of Halloween? Monsters, zombies, and ghosts — and their far more terrible counterparts in space? Oh yes, space has its monsters: Black holes, zombie stars, and spectacular ghostly nebulae!  Explore these “spooky” wonders of the night sky here at the planetarium….

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Star Dreaming

Explore the mysteries of the universe with Max and Lucia as they travel deep into the Australian Outback to visit the site of the world’s largest radio telescope and the planet’s oldest living culture. Discover the SKA (Square Kilometer Array) radio telescope and the questions it hopes to answer.  Enter the Ancient land of the Yamaji people, Aboriginal…

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Stargazers of Africa

From the dawn of time, African people have looked to the skies above for inspiration and guidance. Stargazers of Africa is a journey connecting the stars, Moon and planets to the people across this great continent—from long ago to the stargazers of today. Experience African tales from the Yoruba people and a Nigerian story about the far away stars. Disc…

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Stars 16 x 9


Every star has a story. Some are as old as time, faint and almost forgotten. Others burn bright and end their lives in powerful explosions. New stars are created every day, born of vast clouds of gas and dust. Through every phase of their existence, stars release the energy that lights the Universe. Journey to the furthest reaches of our galaxy and expe…

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The Arctic

The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness

Vast. Wild. Magical. The Arctic is not just one of the planet’s greatest natural spectacles, it’s a place with global ecological importance that has supported Indigenous communities and diverse ecosystems for generations. Follow the elusive Porcupine caribou herd as it migrates to the Arctic Coastal Plain, one of the longest animal migrations on Earth….

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The Christmas Star

Over the years numerous people have tried to explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, as described in the Bible and other historical texts of the time. What was the Christmas Star? Could it be explained as an exploding star, a comet or some other natural celestial phenomena?  Explore a variety of scientific explanations for the Star of Bethlehem…

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The Dark Matter Mystery: Exploring a Cosmic Secret

What keeps Galaxies together? What are the building blocks of the Universe? What makes the Universe look the way it looks today? Researchers all around the world try to answer these questions. We know today that approximately a quarter of the Universe is filled with a mysterious glue: Dark Matter. We know that it is out there. But we have no idea what i…

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The Secrets of Gravity

Luke is interested in the universe and its secrets. He is fascinated by the stars, the universe, and the laws of nature. One night, he sneaks into the Albert Einstein Museum where he meets ALBYX3, a small, clever but rather quirky robot who knows all about Albert Einstein and his theories. ALBY takes Luke on a magical journey through space and time duri…

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The Sun – Our Living Star

The Sun has shone on our world for four and a half billion years. The light that warms our skin today has been felt by every person who has ever lived. It is our nearest star and our planet’s powerhouse, the source of the energy that drives our winds, our weather and all life. The passage of the Sun’s fiery disc across the sky — day by day, month by mon…

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To Space and Back 16 x 9

To Space and Back

Space exploration, our greatest adventure, is having a big impact on our lives. It is helping us to discover a universe of unimaginable scale and beauty, and it is reaching down into our world and influencing the way we live. To Space & Back takes audiences on an incredible journey from the far reaches of our known universe to our own planet. It is…

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Total Eclipse: Chasers of the Lost Sleep

Kentucky, a sleepless hen, and star of social networks, finds out that animals fall asleep during total eclipses. With the help of her robot J.O.S., she travels through space-time in search of the perfect total solar eclipse, in the hope of finding sleep at last. On her journey, she discovers the conditions that make eclipses possible, how they work, and…

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Totality Poster 16x9

Totality: Explore the Wonder of Eclipses

Explore the incredible phenomena of Eclipses, both Lunar and Solar. How and why do they occur?  What can we observe and learn from these spectacular displays of nature? Take a look at how eclipses helped prove the theory of general relativity and look forward to upcoming eclipses learning where to see them. From spectacular space environments to the ver…

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Tycho to the Moon

Meet Tycho, a dog who doesn’t just howl at the Moon, but wants to go there. Blast off on an amazing ride into space with Tycho and his human friends, Ruby and Michael. Learn about day and night, space travel, the phases of the Moon and features of the lunar surface. Get a close-up look at the Sun, watch the effects of gravity, see the Earth from space a…

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Unveiling the Invisible Universe

For tens of thousands of years humans have used their eyes to see light coming from the night sky. Today we use scientific instruments to observe the invisible Universe all around us. At the beginning of the 17th century, the invention of the astronomical telescope by Galileo revolutionized our knowledge of the Universe. In the 20th century, with the ar…

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We Are Astronomers

Do you know what an astronomer does? We Are Astronomers reveals the global collaboration, technology and dedication required to answer the unresolved questions of the Universe. See how technologies such as the Large Hadron Collider, the observatories of Chile and the Hubble Space Telescope work and how they are used by teams around the world in this ent…

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We Are Guardians

Join us on a journey into, under, and around the many ecosystems across our planet. Discover how each component fits together, and how the health of each part is vital to the health of Planet Earth. Discover how, with the help of satellites and scientific study, we can understand the links between human activities and climate change, and what we can do…

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We Are Stars

What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry, and our explosive origins. Connect life on Earth to the evolution of the Universe by following the formation of Hydrogen atoms to the synthesis of carbon, and the molecules for life. Explore the lives and deaths of stars.  Narrated by Andy Serkis. Watch the tra…

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Worlds Beyond Earth

Take an exhilarating journey to the worlds that orbit our Sun and the unique conditions that make life on our planet Earth possible. Celebrate the extraordinary Age of Exploration carried out by robotic explorers, over the past 50 years with imagery from NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), and Japan Aerospace Exploration (JAXA) missions.  Audiences will…

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Worlds of Ice

Journey to the farthest reaches of the solar system, traveling through the dimensions of ice from the remote territories of the arctic, to a scientific complex nested under the South Pole. Experience it all immersed in a kaleidoscopic igloo, be dazzled by the icy wonderland of the arctic, and explores the relationship between humans and ice in science,…

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